Pre-registration opens May 15th at 9:00 a.m. PST for students who are members of a Student Animal Legal Defense Fund (SALDF) chapter. Be sure to mark the date on your calendar, so you don’t miss the opportunity to attend this popular event that sells out early each year! General registration opens for all others June 1st.

Travel Grants:

The Animal Legal Defense Fund is offering travel grants to active SALDF chapters to help our student members attend the conference. Each chapter is eligible to apply for a maximum grant of $500.00, which can be used to offset the expenses of registration, transportation, and lodging. There is only one grant

If your SALDF chapter would like to apply for a travel grant, the chapter president or treasurer should send an email request to Kelly Levenda at with the following information:

  1. Chapter name/law school
  2. Chapter president name & email address
  3. Amount requested (up to $500.00)
  4. Names of SALDF members attending

If your chapter is awarded a travel grant, you will receive a reimbursement form, which the chapter president or treasurer must return to us with copies of relevant receipts in order to receive the funds. Before requesting the grant, please make sure we have an updated list of officers on file for your chapter.

Please note that even if you are awarded a SALDF travel grant, you must still register for the conference in a timely manner, as spots are not reserved for grant recipients.

© 2018. Animal Law Conference.